The FNHSSM is dedicated to addressing all forms of racism in the health care system to ensure First Nations Peoples have equitable access to care and to close the existing health gaps between First Nations and all other Manitobans. A team of dedicated FNHSSM staff, including staff from our unit, have researched, delivered and continue to evaluate the 8 to 10-week training for health care providers entitled, “Disrupting Anti-Indigenous Racism: Moving beyond cultural sensitivity in health care”. The training seeks to address systemic racism in healthcare through the interruption of knowledge transfer from preceptors to trainees.
This 8 to 10-week program enhances cultural competency in one’s practice. Through the:
Understanding colonial effects on Indigenous Health.
Use of reflexivity as a mode of recognizing stereotyping.
Sharing of tools that can be used to address and combat stereotyping in the field.
Please click on the links to view more information regarding the Anti-Indigenous Racism Project.
As Original Peoples of this Land, we envision a world where First Nations individuals and communities ware treated with equity and respect by disrupting centuries of systemic oppression, racism and dehumanizing treatment and replaced with accountable health and social systems that honour our history, uphold our rights, prioritize our well-being, and embed our traditional knowledges and practices.
Our commitment stands firm in dismantling racist and discriminatory structures through pro-active education, advocacy, and amplifying First Nations voices that is grounded in strength-based and decolonized approaches and actions. We will support First Nations communities and individuals to navigate health and social systems, promote safe and culturally appropriate spaces, and inspire partnerships that engage in anti-racism.
Centuries of systemic oppression, racism, and dehumanizing treatment have harmed First Nations bodies and have taken the lives of First Nations people. The First Nations Health and Social Secretariate of Manitoba (FNHSSM) envisions equitable and respectful treatment of First Nations individuals and communities as Original Peoples of this land through the establishment of accountable health and social systems that honour First Nations’ history, uphold Treaty, Inherent, Aboriginal, and Human Rights, prioritize First Nations well-being, and embed First Nations traditional knowledges and practices. FNHSSM is firmly committed to dismantling structures that perpetuate racism and discrimination against First Nations people and to becoming a leader in First Nations-specific anti-racism by building upon existing efforts and expertise and undertaking innovative and transformative actions to:
Promote understanding of First Nations-specific anti-racism through education and training including of First Nations individuals and communities on their rights and of health professionals through First Nations-developed and -led training.
Undertake innovative program and policy development that incorporates anti-racism best practice and standards of care, and that supports First Nations communities in the delivery of high-quality holistic services.
Initiate and support First Nations controlled and administered research and evaluation that informs government and leadership decisions.
Advocate for integration of anti-racism in policies, programs, service delivery, research, evaluation, funding, legislation, and education and training.
Contribute to the identification, development, and implementation of accountability mechanisms, including the establishment of an ombudsperson office in Manitoba.
Amplify First Nations voices grounded in strength-based and decolonized approaches and actions.
Support First Nations individual and communities navigate health and social systems.
Promote safe and culturally appropriate spaces including through the affirmation, protection, and incorporation of First Nations traditional knowledge and wellness practices.
Inspire partnership that engage in anti-racism.
These actions are not exhaustive; rather it is an indication of FNHSSM’s intention to act boldly, immediately, and continually, for equitable and respectful treatment of First Nations individuals and communities. This is also in recognition that anti-racism is foundational to all areas and aspects of health and social systems. Some innovative work has already begun, and much more is planned, as combatting racism and discrimination requires relentless commitment and actions. We do this in honour of those who have passed on, and because our love for our relatives and our responsibility to future generations.
Expand Anti-Indigenous Racism Training to future cohorts working with First Nations people and communities accessing health and social services.
Finalizing FNHSSM’s 8 to 10-week Anti-Indigenous Racism Training Curriculum and creation of a Train the Trainer manual to expand Anti-Indigenous Racism Training and Trainers.
Developing a Community of Practice for Anti-Indigenous Racism Trainees and Trainers.
Development of a Trauma Informed complaint pathways towards healing and accountability.
Creation of resources to support Anti-Indigenous Racism Training curriculum and First Nations individuals and communities when dealing with systemic racism.
Coordinate and host Anti-Indigenous Racism Conferences.
Publish journal articles on Disrupting Indigenous Specific Anti-Racism in the health care system.
Engage in strategies to address racism establishing an Ombudsperson office to address Anti-Indigenous Racism.
Creation and funding of Ombudsperson Office to address Anti-Indigenous Racism.
Our project focuses on several key areas:
Developing and delivering Anti-Indigenous racism training for healthcare providers,
Creating safe spaces that incorporate best practices, and,
Advocating for systemic change.
We support First Nations individuals and communities through culturally appropriate services, accountability mechanisms, and public engagement initiatives. Our goal is to dismantle systemic racism and promote equity and respect within the healthcare system.

Clinical Peer Resource Specialist

Nurse Program Advisor

Policy Analyst

Director of IRCE

Senior Policy Advisor

LTCC Coordinator

Data Sovereignty Implementation Lead

Project Manager

Anti-Racism Project Lead


Regional Health Survey Coordinator

Senior Nursing Advisor
Offering 8 to ten-week Anti-Indigenous Racism Training fee for services. Please contact Cheryle Dreaver, Anti-Racism Project Lead for further information.
Last Updated: 2024-05-31