Stream 1: Telling Our Own Stories
Focus: Centering First Nations voices and narratives in research and data collection.
Potential topics:
First Nations Data Sovereignty in the Context of Public Health Emergencies
Community-based Research and Knowledge Mobilization
Language Revitalization and Documentation Through Data
Addressing Historical Inaccuracies and Misrepresentations in Data
Stream 2: Relationship and Connections
Focus: Exploring the interconnectedness between First Nations peoples, land, and communities.
Potential topics:
Community-led Archival Projects and Data Sovereignty
Collaborative Research With First Nations Communities
Building Meaningful Relationships Between First Nations and Non-First Nations Researchers
Stream 3: Respect
Focus: Honoring First Nations knowledge systems and cultural protocols.
Potential topics:
Ethical Considerations in First Nations Data Research
Wise Practices on Community Engagement in Data Collection
Protecting First Nations Intellectual Property
Data Sovereignty and Cultural Safety
Decolonizing Research Practices
Stream 4: Reciprocity
Focus: Building equitable partnerships and sharing benefits.
Potential topics:
Data Sharing and Access Protocols
Benefit-sharing Agreements
Creating Training and Education Opportunities and Knowledge Transfer
Research Ethics and First Nations Governance
Supporting First Nations Data Infrastructure
Stream 5: Responsibility
Focus: Upholding accountability and stewardship of data.
Potential topics:
Data Governance and Stewardship
Data Security and Privacy
Long-Term Data Management and Preservation
First Nations Archives and Data Repositories
Emerging Technologies for Data Sovereignty
The proposed lead presenter must be an First Nations person.
The types of sessions for the Call for Stories & Knowledge are:
Oral presentation
20 minutes and 10 mins for questions.
Panel Discussion
45 mins + 15 min questions. Bring together panelists. Celebrate the champions in your community/region.
Max 90 min interactive workshops that participants will learn skills that can be used within their communities or on their own journey
Sessions should be action-oriented, strength-based and solution-focused. All workshops, oral presentations, panel discussions must have a First Nations co-presenter to be considered. First Nations-led sessions will be given priority. Workshops sessions will be prioritized.
Abstracts must be connected to the theme of Our Data, Our Truths, Our Voice and linked to one of the streams noted above.
Abstracts will be published exactly as submitted. No copyediting will be provided. Submitters are responsible for thoroughly reviewing their submission and ensuring accuracy before submission (no edits/updates).
The final date for submission is
November 15, 2024 11:59 CDT.
Late submissions will not be accepted.
Deadline extended to November 22, 2024 - 11:59 CDT
Abstracts will be reviewed by an internal review committee.
Speakers will be notified if session is accepted by November 22, 2024.
Written acceptances will be provided through email and speakers will need to confirm receipt.
Accepted sessions will be published in the conference program, the conference website and other mediums.
Presenters are responsible for their own travel to and from the conference.
All abstracts will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Potential to stimulate discussion and learning
Clarity and impact of the project
Potential for the idea/innovation to be sustained and spread
Alignment with Conference Streams and sub-themes
Consideration of sex, gender, and diversity as part of the work
Overall quality and clarity of the abstract
To submit your story or knowledge, please fill out this online form OR complete the PDF and email to ourdata2025@fnhssm.com
Please click on the following link to fill out the form:
ENQUIRIES: ourdata2025@fnhssm.com
Thank you for interest in the FNHSSM Data Sovereignty and Research Conference